Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crunch Time

Blessings to you on this beautiful Thursday!

SIX days until my flight to Chicago! I spent last week at camp, counseling with my good friend Emily, and then elected to spend this week at home, preparing for departure. As I type, there are forty-nine other YAGM's around the globe who are all trying to tie up loose ends and get ready for the adventure we're about to embark upon. So exciting!

After eating my last Chipotle burrito bowl, I felt that now would be a good time to finally update my blog. I have been so busy this week running errands and getting my bags set. I would, most importantly, like to thank my friends Katie and Megan, both world travelers, who helped me pack. This past Tuesday night, we went through each piece of my wardrobe to decide what I should bring. Armed with their "Brilliant" and "Bullocks" cards, I am now confident in what I should pack for the next year of my life. It's crazy to believe that I won't be back and I don't think I've fully wrapped my head around the idea. Each time I do get nervous, however, I keep going back to Matthew 6:25-34 , knowing that God has everything covered and that I should just relax, which is easier said than done.

All worries aside, I am thankful for the supportive communities I have, at home, at church, at camp, and with my friends. I know that what I will be doing this year is not about me, but is beyond me and for a much bigger purpose. I just pray that I can be flexible and learn to take things as they come, again, easier said than done. 

To end this on a good note, I have included one of my favorite pictures of the summer. I will dearly miss my camp "community" at the end of the summer, but know that I have been richly blessed to have met such wonderful people this summer.

As the summer comes to a close, please lift up the travels and transitions of camp staff throughout the country. I know they could use your prayers.

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