Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How Time Flies!

Can you believe it? I've already been in England an entire month! So much has happened, but there's still so much left to experience!

This past week, Erin and I had our first assembly on Monday and two more on Tuesday. Wednesday, we spent the day at a local school working on the first day of a two day workshop/program called R Rights. Being new to Act 4, the day was a learning experience for both the children and for me. Thursday and Friday were spent doing another R Rights program with a different school in Watford. After such a busy week, Erin and I ventured into London on Friday night to spend some time with other YAGM friends. Saturday was spent exploring London as well, where we finally got to see Platform 9 & 3/4.

On Sunday, I ventured into Northaw to St. Thomas a Becket Church. Erin and I had the good fortunate to meet Reverend Rachel, who showed us around the beautiful church we had passed on our way to the school. This past Sunday was a national effort called "Back to Church Sunday", complete with invitations, biscuits, and a welcome committee. Although I still find myself returning to my home congregation via the internet (shout-out to Shepherd of the Valley), I really appreciated the personal invitation to worship in such a beautiful church. I apologize, however, that I did not manage to take an photographs of the inside of the church. You'll just have to settle for a picture of the church from the outside. :)

This week is nearly half over and I have enjoyed the much slower pace. Yesterday, Erin finally went to the doctor to find she had a fever and severe sinus infection, meaning that our assembly for the day was canceled. She pulled through today to perform our one assembly, and hopefully she'll be feeling well enough for the two assemblies we have tomorrow!

 I'll now leave you with a picture of St. Thomas a Becket Church as well as the countryside I saw on my walk back to Potters Bar. Enjoy!

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